I love this multisensory 3D picture of Remembrance Poppies that I made with a class of teenagers with special educational needs.

We started our activity by looking at a real poppy and watching footage of poppy fields then gathered our craft materials.
We Used
A sheet of paper or card
Material scraps/sandpaper/foil/tissue paper/glitter
Bubble wrap/packing peanuts/shredded cardboard matting/straw
Selection of paintbrushes/rollers/sponges/nail brush/toothbrush
PVA glue or glue stick
Buttons/flower heads/sequins
Designing the Background
Students used a variety of backgrounds to make the greenery of the poppy fields, hay and straw, bubble wrap and shredded cardboard matting were popular choices.

We explored primary and secondary colours by mixing yellow and blue paint together to make green paint.
We practiced our hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills exploring a variety of tools to paint the backgrounds. We dabbed with sponges, rolled with rollers, and painted using a variety of different brushes including nail brushes and even an old toothbrush!
The Poppy Petals
I had provided pre-cut petal shaped cardboard templates for students to decorate using a variety of tactile materials from our material scraps bag including sandpaper, velvet, denim, cotton, felt, fleece, cotton wool, aluminum foil, tissue paper, lace, sawdust shavings and of course the obligatory glitter!
The Poppy Centre
The centre of the poppies were decorated using buttons, sequins, cellophane sweet wrappers and real flower heads.
The poppy pictures were then misted with spray of perfume!
At the end of the activity we proudly displayed our designs on the wall.
We listened to a recording off The Last Post as each student was presented with their own poppy to wear with pride!

‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.’
‘For the Fallen’
Robert Laurence Binyon
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The author has used their best efforts in preparing the information on this website and makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness to the contents.
The information is for pleasure purposes only.
If you wish to apply any ideas and activities contained in this blog, on the website or in any of the multisensory stories or resources, you are wholly responsible and take full responsibility for your actions.
The activities are designed to be led and supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
A Note on Allergies/Intolerances
If you have any doubts regarding any activity or prop used, then seek advice before starting.
Be aware of potential choking hazards.
Check the ingredients in any items you may be using for any potential food or skin allergies or respiratory reactions. If you see any signs of redness, swelling or other symptoms of a suspected reaction seek immediate medical advice.
The interactions should be led by the sensory explorer who should be allowed to participate without expectation.
Never force stimuli and stop the activity if the story explorer shows signs that they are not enjoying the session.
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