Sensory ideas and inspiration to celebrate the month of November including Armistice Day, LS Lowry, Bonfire Night, Christingle, Diwali, Parliament week, Tutankhamun, free mini, King Charles I multisensory story The Sensory Festival, 'A Winter Walk' FREE Story massage and Sensory Story/Teaching Pack...and more!

Dates At A Glance
Nov 1 Anniversary of the unveiling of the Sistine Chapel
Nov 4 Anniversary of the Discovery of King Tutankhamun's Tomb
Nov 5 Bonfire Night
Nov 11 Armistice Day
Nov 16-22 UK Parliament Week
Nov 23 National Plant a Tree Week
Nov 29 The Sensory Festival
On This Day in History
Nov 1 1887 Birthdate of LS Lowry
Nov 4 1922 The excavation of King Tutankhamun's Tomb
Nov 8 1895 The Invention of the X-Ray
Nov 10 1871 Stanley finds Livingstone
Nov 12 1980 Nasa Probe Voyager 1 took images of Saturn's rings
Nov 19 1600 Birthdate of King Charles I
FREE Story Massage & Sensory Story 'A Winter Walk' - An exciting Collaboration!
This exciting project is a collaboration between Rhyming Multisensory Stories, The Story Massage Programme and Songs, Signs & Sounds.

The story ‘A Winter Walk’ is written by Mary Atkinson co-founder of The Story Massage Programme. Mary has adapted it as a Story Massage using some of the ten strokes from the programme.
The soundtrack to the Story Massage is written and created by Karen Nicholson and Georgie Lockett co-founders of Songs, Signs & Sounds.
The story 'A Winter Walk' has been edited, adapted into a multisensory story and created into a free e-book by Victoria Navin, founder of Rhyming Multisensory Stories
Join our character as s/he explores the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of their winter walk.
On this Day in History
Nov 1st 1887 - Birthdate of LS Lowry
English painter LS Lowry as well-known for his matchstick figures
Choose a background then cut and stick the silhouettes below onto your chosen background to re-create an inclusive Lowry masterpiece.
Add an extra sensory element by cutting your templates from sensory materials: thin sponge, felt, sandpaper etc

Click below to download your templates
On This Day in History
Nov 1st 1512 - The Unveiling of Michelangelo's Ceiling Painting in the Sistine Chapel
Michaelangelo painted a total of 343 figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Many people believe Michelangelo painted the ceiling lying on his back, he actually stood on scaffolding and used long brushes and craned his neck to reach.
Sensory Activity
You will need
Masking tape
Tape the paper to the cardboard the hold above the student's head.
Can the student reach out using their brushes and rollers to create a painting?
Can the student lie on their back and paint above their head?
This activity can also be done using whiteboards and pens.
Did you know?
Previously, the ceiling was painted blue and covered with golden stars. This activity could be simplified by painting a blue background then sticking pre-gummed stars onto the 'sky'
On This day In History
English archaeologist Howard Carter began excavating the tomb of child-pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Re-Create Howard Carter's Archaeological Dig
This sensory play engages the senses as the students manipulate the objects, promotes fine motor skills and connects students to history.
You will need:
A Base Layer:
Sand (Bury items into the soil/sandpit in the outdoor learning area. Alternatively use a box, bucket or similar container)
Soil/Stones/Pebbles (for a ‘less mess’ option use pulses, barley/lentils/dried beans)
Bury items into the sandpit in the outdoor learning area. Alternatively, use a box, builders/Tuff Tray or large container.
The list below is based on items that have been unearthed from the Egyptian pyramids.
Gold and silver rings (copper and metal washers make a cheap alternative)
Wood (from coffins!)
Mummy wrappings (pieces of bandage)
Stones, rocks (granite and alabaster)
Bury sprigs of herbs, bay leaves, fennel, mint, oregano, rosemary, thyme.
Paintings were found in Tutankhamun's tomb, print, and laminate hieroglyphics and bury in the sand.
Replicate Items Discovered in Tutankhamun's Tomb: Burial Mask (Print and laminate a picture of Tutankhamun's mask), Model Boat, Board Games (bury a few counters and dice), Clay Jars, a Fan, Sandals.
Herbs: Bury herbs that Egyptians used: Sage, Cinnamon Sticks, Cumin Seeds, Fennel, Coriander, Garlic Bulbs, Juniper Berries, Thyme.
Provide Items to Promote Fine Motor Skills: Lidded containers for storing ‘finds', paintbrushes (assorted sizes), a sieve, funnels, spoons, toothbrush, toothpicks, watering can/water spray bottle.
Containers for Storing Items:
Boxes, Baskets, Tupperware, Shoe Box, Egg Carton.
Provide Items to Promote Scientific Investigation: Camera, magnifying glass, notebook & pen for drawing and recording findings.
Encourage students to use the tools to unearth treasure and the record their findings
Extend Learning:
Can the sensory explorer describe the item or name the material the item is composed of?
Can the sensory explorer tell you what an item might have been used for?
Add a couple of 'red herring' items (e.g. an item made of plastic, a toy phone, a crisp packet)
Dim the lights in the classroom. Provide torches (a headtorch is a great hands-free option)

Fun Fact!
Garlic was discovered in Tutankhamun's tomb. The ancient Egyptians believed it possessed magical powers.
Activity Idea
Plant Garlic
Garlic grows well outside and is hardy to cold weather.
You will need
Garlic Bulb
Divide garlic bulb into cloves.
Plant the garlic cloves pointy side up approx. 2cm directly into the soil (or if planting in pots, place the pots outdoors)
Ensure the soil around the garlic does not dry out
Harvest the garlic when then the leaves start to wither and turn brown but before all the leaves have died.
Recommended Resource
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Table of Contents
The Romans Fully Resourced Step-by-Step Multisensory Story
Re-create a Roman Archaeological Dig
Make a Gladiator Meal
Build a Small World Roman Fort
Hadrian's Wall
The Roman Bath House
Roman Food
Roman Medicine
The Roman School
Roman Gods
Roman Themed Sensory Ideas & Inspiration
Nov 5
Bonfire Night
Create a Bonfire Night Sensory Bin.
Place materials for students to make a 'bonfire' in the centre of the tray (leaves, twigs, pinecones)
Add strips of yellow, orange and red tissue paper to recreate the flames.
Add a guy.
Add chalks for students to draw fireworks onto the Tuff Tray.
Scatter lapsang souchong tealeaves or BBQ powder for a smoky smell.
Create a Firework Display Picture
Lay a large sheet of black paper onto the floor. Take a selection of balls (spiky, tennis, ping pong etc) dip the balls into the paints then roll across the paper to create a firework display.
Make Edible Sparklers
You will need
Melted chocolate
Sprinkles/popping candy
Dip the end of the breadstick into the melted chocolate then decorate using sprinkles or popping candy.
Make a Guy
Dig out those old clothes and stuff with straw or newspaper.
Place you guy at the school gates. Donate any money collected to charity.
Spaghetti Sparklers
You will need
A colander
Dried multi-coloured Spaghetti
Can the student(s) use their fine motor skills to slot the spaghetti into the holes in the colander to create a giant sparkler firework?
On this Day in History
Nov 8th 1895 - The Invention of the X-Ray
German physicist Wilhelm Rontgen used electromagnetic radiation to look inside the human body when he x-rayed his wife's hand.

Make a Candlewax X-Ray Picture
You will need
A sheet of paper
A white wax candle or white wax crayon
Watered down black poster paint
1. Using the white candle/crayon draw bones your paper. (Press firmly)
2. Paint the surface of the paper with watered down poster paint.
The Science Bit!
When the picture is dry, you will see that the bones show up as white on your paper. This is due to the wax repelling the water.
This Day in History
Nov 10 Stanley Finds Livingstone
'Doctor Livingstone I presume?' were the first words spoken by Henry Stanley to missing explorer David Livingstone.
The Explorer's Rucksack
'I’m trekking through the rainforest, a rucksack on my back
Inside I carry shorts, t-shirts, and a waterproof mac
Sunblock, lip balm and spray, for the insects that bite
A camera, binoculars and a torch, so I can see at night
A water bottle, food, and tools for when I set up camp
The weather is hot and sticky, humid, clammy and damp'
You will need
Dried fruit
Shorts and t-shirt
Water bottle
Waterproof clothing (mac/trousers)
(Click on the gallery pics to expand view)
Extend Learning
Place additional items into the rucksack you would not need for a trek thorough the
rainforest e.g., a hairdryer, snorkel, swimsuit, woolly hat/scarf, bucket and spade,
keys. Can the sensory explorer identify the appropriate items to take the rainforest and spot the ‘red herrings?'
Excerpt from 'The Rainforest - A Multisensory Adventure!'
Join our explorer on their adventures as s/he explores the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of The Amazon Rainforest with this fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory story/teaching resource plus sensory, rainforest themed activities!
This is a very special resource as all the artwork has been contributed by autistic artists from Manaus in the Amazon Basin and other regions of Brazil. Thank you to everyone involved in this project! Denise Teperine, Meiry Geraldo, Galeria Aut, Theila Rosario Figueira and last but not least to all the talented artists and their families!

Galeria Aut
Denise Teperine
The Benefits of Multisensory Storytelling
How to tell a Multisensory Story Story Props/Resources Checklist
The Rainforest Full Story
The Rainforest Fully Resourced, Step-by-Step Multisensory Story
Rainforest Sensory Art
Henry Rosseau
Rainforest Leaves
'Eterno Amor' 'Amazonia'
'Arvore da Vida'
'Tribes of the Amazon'
he Sensory Rainforest Rainforest Slime Recipe
Rainforest Sensory Mud Recipe
Rainforest Crafts
Rainforest Leaves
Foil Embossed Greetings Card
Rainforest Leaves Wax Picture
D & T
Design a Rainforest Home
Planet Earth
Rainforest in a Bottle
Starry Night in a Bottle
Snappy Caiman Counting Crocodiles
D & T Healthy Eating The World Around Us
Planting Beans
Will it Grow?
Tree Seeds
Rainforest Products
Rainforest Compost
Growing Potatoes from Peelings
The World Around Us - Creatures of the Amazon
Creatures of the Amazon Through the Senses
Endangered Species Animal Tracks
The Spider's Larder
Rainforest PE
Rainforest Adventure Obstacle Course
Rainforest Science The Role of the Rainforest Oxygen
The Water Cycle
Make a Rain Guage
Rainforest Science The Power of the Sun Experiment The Ice Caps Experiment
Water Pollution Experiment
Greenhouse Gas Experiment
Culture & Tradition - The Tribes of the Amazon The Achuar Tribe The Yanomami Tribe The Huaorani Tribe The Kayapo Tribe The Mascho Piro Tribe The Matses Tribe
Make a Rainmaker The Sounds of the Rainforest
Role Play: Can you Survive a Night in the Rainforest?
Nov 11
Armistice Day
Sensory Poppies

This multisensory picture of 'Poppies in Flanders Fields' is amongst my treasured possessions.
I was teaching a class of Year 9 students at a special educational needs school, and we were tasked with producing a giant piece of artwork to showcase at our Remembrance Day school assembly.
How we Made our Sensory Poppies Picture
We began our activity by watching footage of poppy fields and exploring real poppies.
We decided on using shades of red, black, green and white then gathered our craft materials.
We Used
One side of a large cardboard box)
Material scraps/sandpaper/foil/tissue paper/glitter
Bubble wrap/packing peanuts/shredded cardboard matting/hay/straw
Selection of paintbrushes/rollers/sponges/nail brush/toothbrush
PVA glue and glue sticks
Buttons/flower heads/sequins
Designing the Background

Students used a variety of materials to make the greenery of the poppy fields, hay and straw, bubble wrap and shredded cardboard matting. (When stretched and placed lengthways, the spaces in the matting created a grass effect.)
We explored primary and secondary colours by mixing yellow and blue paint together to make green paint for the grass in Flanders Fields.
We practiced our hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills exploring a variety of tools to paint the backgrounds. We dabbed with sponges, rolled with rollers, and painted using a variety of different brushes including nail brushes and even an old toothbrush!
The Poppy Petals
I had provided pre-cut petal shaped cardboard templates for students to decorate using a variety of tactile materials from our material scraps bag including sandpaper, velvet, denim, cotton, felt, fleece, cotton wool, aluminium foil, tissue paper, lace, sawdust shavings and of course the obligatory glitter!
The Poppy Centre
The centre of the poppies were decorated using buttons, sequins, cellophane sweet wrappers and real flower heads.
Finishing Touches
The poppy picture was then misted with spray of perfume!
The Last Post
We listened to a recording of 'The Last Post' as each student was presented with their own poppy to wear with pride!
Displaying our Artwork
At the end of the activity, we proudly showcased our masterpiece at the Remembrance Day Assembly then displayed it on the wall in the school corridor.
Make a 'Poppy Wall'
This wall of poppies looks so effective and is very simple to make.
You will need
Garden netting
Make your poppies (use material, waterproof fabric or laminate paper poppies to protect from the weather)
Lay the garden netting flat.
Using the string, tie the poppies onto the netting.
Fix the netting to the railings or fence in your setting.
On this day in History
Nov 12th 1980 - Nasa Probe Voyager 1 took images of Saturn's rings
'Saturn has rings made of graphite The heat and the pressure rain diamonds so bright'
Explore Rings
Snap glowsticks to activate then using the connector, attach the ends to form a bracelet.
Count bangles as you slowly slide them onto the student's wrist. Can the student count the bangles as they slide them onto your wrist?
Can the student name the colours of each bangle/glowstick?
Can the student use their fine motor skills to twist pipe cleaners into rings?
Alternative Activities
Scatter silver confetti/stars/glitter from above within the explorer's eye line to re-create the effect of diamonds falling from the sky. Dim the lights and shine the torch as the items fall.
Present a hula hoop for exploration. Model twirling the hoop around your waist or take turns rolling it to one another
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Nov 16 - 22
UK Parliament Week
Activity Ideas
Hold a classroom debate!
Debating promotes turn taking and listening skills (listening to others' ideas), supports critical thinking and builds confidence.
A random topic: 'Is there life on other planets?'
A current affair: 'Climate change' or 'Who shall run for Prime Minister?' Maybe two students could run as candidates. Can they hold an Q & A session with their class peers as the audience?
Alternatively, write a variety of different topics onto slips of paper, place into a bag for students to randomly select one a topic to debate for a set amount of time then choose another.
On a sensory level, support your students in having a voice to express their likes, dislikes and sensory preferences. Teaching rejection is equally important.
Provide plenty of opportunities for students to make choices (this could be at snack/lunchtime, through play/leisure activities, and in the materials they use for art and craft activities)
Nov 21
Birthdate of King Charles I
Explore the life of King Charles with this mini multisensory story!
'King Charles the first lived years ago, he disobeyed the law
Overtaxed the people, and then he caused a warr
His Cavalier soldiers wore feathered hats on their curly hair
Brightly coloured lace-trimmed clothes and fancy footwear
They battled with the Roundheads, who had closely cropped hair
Wearing leather coats, they fought with swords and gave them quite a scare
The Roundheads won the war, and Charles was filled with dread
Flags fluttered and drums beat as they chopped off his head!
Story Prop Checklist
Charles I: Coins, balance/bucket scales, money box/piggy bank, chocolate coins/paper money
The Cavaliers: Feathers/feather boa, wig, lace material/net curtain, buckled belts and shoes The Roundheads: Velvet/suede material, battery operated massager, leather gloves, toy sword
The Execution: SSCD’s (Talking Tiles, Talking Pegs, BIGmack) with recordings of a sword
Step by Step Multisensory Story
(Click Gallery to View)
Nov 23
National Plant a Tree Week
Plant a Tree from a Seed
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen help to clean the air by absorbing pollutants.
Head into your school/setting grounds or the local park/greenspace and look for tree seeds, nuts and cones.
Tree Seeds: Apple Pip, Ash, Common Lime, Maple, Sycamore
Tree Nuts: Acorns, Beech, Hazel, Horse Chestnut, Sweet Chestnut
Tree Cones: Alder, Cedar, Cypress, Pine, Silver Birch.
Plant the seeds, nuts and cones into soil, water, and place on a sunny windowsill. Transplant outdoors when they start to shoot.
Health & Safety Advice
Wear gloves and do not ingest the seeds, nuts, or cones.
Plant a Pinecone
This is a wonderful activity can be done indoors.
You will need:
A small plant pot
A pinecone
A sunny windowsill
Fill your pot with soil.
Plant the base of your pinecone into the soil.
Water lightly.
Place on a sunny windowsill.
You will see new growth sprout from the pinecone which can be replanted outdoors in the spring!
Make Bark Rubbings
Place a sheet of paper over the bark. Rub lightly with crayons/chalks or charcoal.
Hug a Tree!
Share a Tree Poem

Nov 29 The Sensory Festival

I am delighted to been invited for a third time to present at The Sensory Festival.
This is a unique opportunity for practitioners to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from some of the best minds in special education.
The Sensory Festival celebrates innovation, creativity, and collaboration in special education. It brings practitioners, educators, and thought leaders together to share their insights, strategies, and approaches for supporting neurodiverse learners and those with complex needs.
This is for you if you are looking for
Sensory ideas for your classroom
To rejuvenate your approach to sensory strategies
Exciting ways to re-engage your pupils
Inspiration on how to implement these ideas in your classroom
What to Expect
The Sensory Festival will feature a series of video presentations and live keynote sessions from world-renowned speakers, many of whom are already lined up for the event! Throughout the Festival, attendees will have access to diverse presentations, each packed with practical sensory strategies and teaching ideas aimed at improving engagement and learning outcomes for pupils with severe, complex, or neurodiverse learning needs.
Key themes and topics include:
Creating effective classroom environments, both inside and outside
Strategies for behaviour management through sensory approaches
What is the one thing you wished someone had told you as an NCT?
Innovative sensory strategies to support pupils with autism, PMLD, and SLD
The role of outdoor learning in sensory education
Innovative ways to impacting teaching and learning outcomes
Practical ideas for building and maintaining relationships through sensory activities
What has been your lightbulb moment this academic year?
My presentation is 'Exploring RE and Faiths Though the Senses'
Throughout the event, there will also be live keynote sessions where attendees can engage in real-time, ask questions, and join the conversation. If you can’t attend a live session, don’t worry. These are recorded and made available for four weeks of on-demand access to watch, reflect, and implement new ideas, at your own pace.
31 Oct - Nov 1 Diwali
Celebrate the Festival of Lights

You may like:

How to Tell a Multisensory Story
A Train Ride Through India (Fully Resourced, Step-by-Step, Multisensory Poem)
A Train Ride Through India Listening Game
A Train Ride Through India Sensory Bin
A Train Ride Through India Sensory Bag
Sensory Indian Flag
Train Ride Role Play
Let's Explore...Asiatic Lions
India Themed Sensory Ideas & Inspiration
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Visit the Shop £3.98
Subscribe to the Members Library to gain access to all resources to view online, download and/or print out £95 per year.
Celebrate the magic and colour of the festival of Holi with this fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory story.
Prepare to Celebrate (Gathering Story Props)
How to Tell a Multisensory Story
Holi Poem
Holi- A Multisensory Exploration
Holi Themed Sensory Umbrella
Holi Themed Sensory Tent
Holi Themed Sensory Bin
Holi Themed Sensory Bag
Holi Themed Listening Game
Let's Make...Holi Powder Paint
Jackson Pollock Themed Art
Scented Paint
Paint Bombs & Cinnamon Stick Painting
Paint Splatter Picture
Colour Sorting
Thandai Recipe
Holi Ideas & Inspiration
Buy Direct £3.50 (email
Visit the Shop £3.98
Subscribe to the Members Library to gain access to all resources to view online, download and/or print out £95 per year.
November Nature
November is the last full month of Autumn.
Autumn Sensory Walk
Head outdoors for an Autumn walk or forage around your outdoor learning area:
Find five different items to look at
Find four different items to touch
Find three sounds to listen to
Find two things to smell
Find one items to taste
What to look for in Nature in November Acorns, Apples, Animal Tracks, Apples, Bark, Beech, Berries, Birds, Bracken, Brambles, Bugs Colours, Conkers, Elderberries, Frost, Fruits, Fungi, Geese Greenfinch, Halloween, Hazelnuts, Hedgehogs, Horse Chestnut Tree, Hops, Insects, Leaves, Mist, Moss, Nuts, Oak Tree, Pears, Pinecones, Seeds, Sloes, Squirrels, Starling, Swallows, Sycamore Seeds ('Spinners'), Tracks, Trees and Twigs.
Autumn Leaves
In November the outdoor areas will be carpeted with leaves.
Promote gross motor skills, rake, and sweep the leaves!
See how many different coloured and shaped leaves you can find. Catch the student match the leaves?
Paint the leaves.
Make a leaf collage.
November Music
Listening to music enhances mood and aids concentration. Play low background music during snack time, when baking and when engaging in arts and craft activities.
Take a portable speaker and bubbles into the outdoor area at break and lunch time. Have a mini disco!
Listening to music provides the opportunity to explore different artists and genres of music and invites the sensory explorer to have a little dance, move their body and feel good!
Theme your Music by Month
(please check suitability of lyrics)
“November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses
“November” by Tom Waits
“Gone Till November” by Wyclef Jean
“November Song” by Yerin Baek
“November” by Azure Ray
“November Blue” by The Avett Brothers
“Rose Hip November” by Vashti Bunyan
Theme Music by Artists Born in October
3rd Nov: Vincenzo Bellini (Italian opera composer)
5th Nov: Art Garfunkel
6th Nov: James Bowman (English tenor famous for singing in Handel's operas)
12th Nov: Neil Young (Canadian singer-songwriter)
14th Nov: Aaron Copland (American composer)
16th Nov: Paul Hindemith (German composer)
18th Nov: Carl von Weber (German composer)
22nd Nov: Benjammin Britten (British composer)
21st Nov: Coleman Hawkins (American jazz saxophonist)
23rd Nov: Manuel de Falla (Spanish composer) 26th Nov: Tina Turner
Nov 27th: Jimi Hendrix
Nov 28th: Jean Baptiste Lully (French composer)
Theme Music by Historical Musical Events in November
Nov 6th Belgian Adolphe Sax invented the saxophone
Nov 20th1805 Beethoven's opera 'Fidelio' is staged for the first time in Vienna
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Explore the sights, sounds, smells and textures of Autumn with this multisensory story.
Table of Contents
Story Props Checklist
How to Tell a Multisensory Story
Autumn Full Story
Autumn Fully Resourced, Rhyming Multisensory Story
Autumn Themed Sensory Bin
Let's Explore...Dormice
Let's Explore...Hedgehogs
Autumn Walk
Autumn Food Tasting
Make a Bug Hotel
Autumn Leaves Craft Activity
Autumn Ideas & Inspiration
Resources & Teaching Packs
Buy Direct £3.50 each (email:
Visit the shop £3.98 each
Fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory stories linking individuals to literature, culture, history & topic through the senses.
Each resource includes themed, sensory activities aimed at promoting communication skills, independence and areas of learning.

The Seasons Collection
The Weather (Free resource)
Dear Santa (Free resource)
Dear Santa Adapting into a Play (Free resource)
Culture & Celebrations Collection
A Train Ride Through India
Burns Night
Chinese New Year
St Patricks Day
The King's Coronation
The Queen's Jubilee (Free resource)
The Romans
Life Skills
Jobs and Work Experience
Shapes - A Multisensory Exploration (includes 130 shape themed, sensory activities)
Listen - An A-Z of Sensory Inspiration to Stimulate the Auditory System
Sensory Resources for Sensory Learners (800+ ideas)
The Dentist (Free resource)
Washing Hands (Free resource)
Airports & Airplanes A Sensory Social Story
Journey into Space
The Beach
The Farm
The Rainforest
Traditional Tales Collection
The Gingerbread Man
Jack & the Beanstalk
Little Red Riding Hood
The Three Little Pigs
Visit the Story Library for your FREE resources

'Multisensory Storytelling & Engagement Through Sensory Activities' Workshop
Whole Setting
The workshop covers all aspects of multisensory storytelling from sourcing story props to adapting existing texts into multisensory stories plus we will explore lots of sensory ideas, activities, and inspiration plus an in-depth look at a multisensory story.
Held via Zoom
Run time 2 hours
1-1 Workshop
Workshop Content

Get in Touch!
Your questions, queries, comments & feedback are always welcome!
Facebook Page: Rhyming Multisensory Stories
Facebook: Victoria Navin RMSS
Twitter: @RhymingStories
Instagram: rhyming_multisensory_stories
MySpace: Rhyming Multisensory Stories
Tumblr: rhymingmultisensorystories
Reddit: sensorystories
Pinterest: Rhyming Multisensory Stories
YouTube: Rhyming Multisensory Stories
Health & Safety Advice & Disclaimer
Please Read Before Engaging in any of the Activities
The author has used their best efforts in preparing the information on this website and makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness to the contents.
The information is for pleasure purposes only.
If you wish to apply any ideas and activities contained in this blog, on the website or in any of the multisensory stories or resources, you are wholly responsible and take full responsibility for your actions.
The activities are designed to be led and supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
A Note on Allergies/Intolerances
If you have any doubts regarding any activity or prop used, then seek advice before starting.
Be aware of potential choking hazards.
Check the ingredients in any items you may be using for any potential food or skin allergies or respiratory reactions. If you see any signs of redness, swelling or other symptoms of a suspected reaction seek immediate medical advice.
The interactions should be led by the sensory explorer who should be allowed to participate without expectation.
Never force stimuli and stop the activity if the story explorer shows signs that they are not enjoying the session.
Your questions, queries, comments and feedback are always welcome!
Contact me via email
or send me a message via social media
'Have a great month...see you in December'